Directory of business development service providers operating in Laos

If your company is already included in this directory, but the information needs up-dating (eg. change of address, change of services provided, etc.), please contact the email address below, clearly specifying what information needs to be changed. Please also provide your name and contact details so that we can contact you if there are any questions or concerns. Thank you.

If your company provides business development services (BDS) in Laos but is not currently included in this directory, and you wish to be added, please contact the same email address below, asking to be included. We will then send you a Google form that will allow you to send us the necessary information, and your inclusion in the directory will be considered. Thank you.

Email: [email protected]

What are business development services (BDS)?
BDS is an umbrella term for a range of professional services that expert firms and individuals provide to client companies to help them improve their business.

Why use BDS service providers?
BDS providers are most commonly used when the skills and knowledge needed to implement an activity do not exist inside the client company, and so there is a need to retain the services of a ‘third party’ BDS provider, for a fee.

Why a BDS directory?
It is not always easy to find and select a BDS provider that fits your specific needs. The online directory is designed to make that process a little easier.